- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- 22 Oct 2023
- Expired!
Liberating the Soul: Crystal Sound Bath and Cord Cutting Ritual
We gather this time to partake in a profound and transformative ritual.
This ancient ceremony, steeped in symbolism and intention, invites participants to release the energetic ties that bind them to relationships, attachments, and emotional baggage rooted in past experiences.
It is a powerful act of self-liberation and freedom.
If we recall every collective we have been a part of: the family tribe, the schools, the religious associations, relationships, places, the initiations or trainings we went through – some of them might have had a big impact on the integrity of our being, creating memories in the form of intense emotional imprints.
Even if the situation has ended it is still alive as long as intense emotions come to surface when you think about the particular being/experience/place/association.
This kind of undergoing currents keep us away from living a creative life, seduces us to unconsciously repeat past patterns and loose the vital energy not knowing the reason of feeling drained.
Energy leaking from emotional attachments could be a cause for that lack of vitality.
Let’s cut some cords,
Shall we?
Bring a pen, something to write on, and a small plate.
Investment: 150 ron
About the facilitator:
Claudia Gabriela is a:
– multidisciplinary artist;
– Trainer in neurolinguistic programming
– Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy;
– Astrologist;
– Herbalist;
– last but not least, mother of 11 y’o twins, human.
Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA.
This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as:
– nervous system self and co regulation;
– Conscious manifestation and materialization;
– Telepathy;
– Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing;
Claudia Gabriela. Somatic Sound Therapy. Astrology Specialist
Website Gabriela is a: - multidisciplinary artist; - Trainer in neurolinguistic programming - Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy; - Astrologist; - Herbalist; - last but not least, mother of 11 y’o twins, human. Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA. This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as: - nervous system self and co regulation; - Conscious manifestation and materialization; - Telepathy; - Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing; Offering group sessions and one on one astrological consultations.
- 22 Oct 2023
- Expired!
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Claudia Gabriela. Somatic Sound Therapy. Astrology Specialist
Website Gabriela is a: - multidisciplinary artist; - Trainer in neurolinguistic programming - Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy; - Astrologist; - Herbalist; - last but not least, mother of 11 y’o twins, human. Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA. This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as: - nervous system self and co regulation; - Conscious manifestation and materialization; - Telepathy; - Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing; Offering group sessions and one on one astrological consultations.