- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- 04 Feb 2024
- Expired!
Darkness Revealed – Embrace the Fertile Chaos from wich All Creation Stems
While deep relaxation and temporary dissociation from our worries and concerns is a wonderful and somewhat essential part of a Sound Healing experience, in this safe and sound series called „Darkness Revealed˝ our goal is to confuse and disorient you in a safe gentle way.
The crystalline frequencies of the quartz bowls (the feminine) coming togheter with the deep mystical vibrations of the tibetan bowls will remind you that discomfort, anxiety and sometimes self-doubt are all esential parts of the transformational process. We have gotten ourselves in this place where we are reluctant in experiencing these emotions, fearing that they are going to perpetuate itself eternally.
But if we contemplate the Hero`s Journey, we learn that fear is just a stepping stone and that the mythic journey moves from the yearning for transformation, resistance, surrender, dissorientation, loss, breakthrough, ressurection, remembrance to resolution.
It is about the death and rebirth story of all creation.
Togheter with friend and soul brother Ehsan we will guide you to the realisation that: FEAR IS SAFE and that chaos is the prime material for Magic. Don`t trust my words, see it for yourself especially after experiencing Ehsan` cosmic gong.
About the facilitators:
Claudia Gabriela is a:
– multidisciplinary artist;
– Trainer in neurolinguistic programming
– Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy;
– Astrologist;
– Herbalist;
– last but not least, mother of 12 y’o twins, human.
Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA.
This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as:
– nervous system self and co regulation;
– Conscious manifestation and materialization;
– Telepathy;
– Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing;
Ehsan is a free soul wanderer that has explored the world through the self in last 9 years.
On on side he loves nature and he is always eager to meet new people and have new experiences.
On another side, he has a calm and quiet character and enjoys spending time in solitude.
He travelled in South-Asia for 7 years, out of which 5 years he lived and experienced life at its fullest in Nepal, bathing with the power and spirituality of Himalayas and the surroundings. For Ehsan, living in Nepal was a life changing experience.
There he started working with the ancient, mysterious and powerful technic of healing and meditation from historical land of “Tibet”. This technique is called “Sound Healing” and it happens with the use of holy objects called “Tibetan Singing Bowl” and Gongs. These holly instruments have been used for centuries by the Monks in Himalayas for ritual ceremonies and Meditation purposes.
Now Ehsan studies dentistry in Romania and he would love to share and worship the life with beautiful people.
We will open with bobinsana tea ceremony, then continuing with breathwork, some somatic movement and the sound bath follows.
After this we will close with an integration circle.
About Bobinsana:
Protection and Spiritual Strength
Bobinsana is known as a gentle spirit who heals and opens the heart.
Besides that, she helps to build empathy, compassion, clarity and concentration. Therefor, she deepens your connection to nature and initiates feelings of oneness and unconditional love.
Bobinsana communicates and teaches by creating richly colourful and lucid dreams.
Your investment: 200 ron
Limited availablity,
50% deposit required for booking
See you soon in the light of grace!
Claudia Gabriela. Somatic Sound Therapy. Astrology Specialist
Website Gabriela is a: - multidisciplinary artist; - Trainer in neurolinguistic programming - Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy; - Astrologist; - Herbalist; - last but not least, mother of 11 y’o twins, human. Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA. This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as: - nervous system self and co regulation; - Conscious manifestation and materialization; - Telepathy; - Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing; Offering group sessions and one on one astrological consultations.
Other Organizers
Ehsan. Sound Healing Wizzard
Email -
Website -
Ehsan is a free soul wanderer that has explored the world through the self in last 9 years. On on side he loves nature and he is always eager to meet new people and have new experiences. On another side, he has a calm and quiet character and enjoys spending time in solitude. He travelled in South-Asia for 7 years, out of which 5 years he lived and experienced life at its fullest in Nepal, bathing with the power and spirituality of Himalayas and the surroundings. For Ehsan, living in Nepal was a life changing experience. There he started working with the ancient, mysterious and powerful technic of healing and meditation from historical land of "Tibet". This technique is called "Sound Healing" and it happens with the use of holy objects called "Tibetan Singing Bowl" and Gongs. These holly instruments have been used for centuries by the Monks in Himalayas for ritual ceremonies and Meditation purposes. Now Ehsan studies dentistry in Romania and he would love to share and worship the life with beautiful people.
- 04 Feb 2024
- Expired!
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Claudia Gabriela. Somatic Sound Therapy. Astrology Specialist
Website Gabriela is a: - multidisciplinary artist; - Trainer in neurolinguistic programming - Master practioner of hypnosis and timelinetherapy; - Astrologist; - Herbalist; - last but not least, mother of 11 y’o twins, human. Currently running a Phd in Quantum Morphogenetic Science at the Bioregenesis Academy experiencing how the first creation mechanics and sound can be directed to activate the potential DNA or how the mainstream science calls it: “junk” DNA. This is the process of transmutation of the inherited transgenerational trauma and becoming aware of abilities such as: - nervous system self and co regulation; - Conscious manifestation and materialization; - Telepathy; - Direct cognition or direct experiential knowing; Offering group sessions and one on one astrological consultations.
Other Organizers
Ehsan. Sound Healing Wizzard
Email -
Website -
Ehsan is a free soul wanderer that has explored the world through the self in last 9 years. On on side he loves nature and he is always eager to meet new people and have new experiences. On another side, he has a calm and quiet character and enjoys spending time in solitude. He travelled in South-Asia for 7 years, out of which 5 years he lived and experienced life at its fullest in Nepal, bathing with the power and spirituality of Himalayas and the surroundings. For Ehsan, living in Nepal was a life changing experience. There he started working with the ancient, mysterious and powerful technic of healing and meditation from historical land of "Tibet". This technique is called "Sound Healing" and it happens with the use of holy objects called "Tibetan Singing Bowl" and Gongs. These holly instruments have been used for centuries by the Monks in Himalayas for ritual ceremonies and Meditation purposes. Now Ehsan studies dentistry in Romania and he would love to share and worship the life with beautiful people.