+4 0721 344 281




6:00 PM - 8:30 PM


> Sambodhi | SALA 2


23 Mar 2025

9D BREATHWORK Workshop – cu Angelian Luca


Imagine a breathwork practice that’s not just about breathing, but about unlocking your true potential.

9D Breathwork is a multi-dimensional sound experience that supports healing, personal growth, and emotional well-being.

9D Breathwork opens a pathway directly into the subconscious mind, the driver of 98% of all human behaviour, skillfully transmuting internal blocks into sources of immense personal power, all the while working with the body’s innate intelligence to release trapped energy from the nervous system, creating a clean slate.

Through a combination of breath, sound, and guided visualisation, the 9D method slows brainwave frequencies to allow for an inward journey where the subconscious becomes more receptive to change.

It’s the deepest dive you can ever take into reprogramming your own subconscious mind.


9D Multi-dimensional Sound Experience

Binaural Brain Entrainment

Solfeggio Frequencies

Isochronic Brainwave Tones

432Hz Harmonic Tuning

Somatic Breathwork

Subliminal Hypnotic Therapy

Guided Vocal Coaching

Bioacoustic Sound / Effects

The sessions are perfect for all levels, from the ones who have never done any meditation or breathwork before to the ones who have been doing breathwork for years.

Session breakdown:

•⁠ ⁠20-30 min introduction & preparation

•⁠ ⁠90-min 9D Breathwork experience

•⁠ ⁠30min integration afterwards

Prepare for the Journey:

•⁠ ⁠Avoid heavy meals 2 hrs prior

•⁠ ⁠Wear comfortable, breathable clothes

•⁠ ⁠Plan for 2-3 hrs of uninterrupted time


Angelian Luca. Facilitator 9D Breathwork


Angelian Luca. Facilitator 9D Breathwork

Mă numesc Luca și sunt facilitator certificat de 9D Breathwork. Călătoria mea pe drumul autocunoașterii a început acum 8 ani, explorând tehnici diverse de meditație, respirație și terapie, care m-au ajutat să descopăr noi dimensiuni ale conștiinței și ale echilibrului interior. Acum 3 ani și jumătate, m-am mutat în Bali, un loc recunoscut pentru energia sa transformatoare, unde am continuat să aprofundez această cale. În septembrie 2024, am descoperit practica 9D Breathwork, fondată chiar aici, în Bali, o tehnică care mi-a transformat complet perspectiva asupra vindecării și conștientizării. După ce am devenit facilitator certificat, am început să predau 9D Breathwork în studiouri de healing și yoga din Bali, ajutând oamenii să își elibereze emoțiile reprimate, să își depășească blocajele și să se reconecteze cu esența lor interioară. Te invit să explorezi această experiență profundă alături de mine și să descoperi puterea transformatoare a respirației multidimensionale.


23 Mar 2025


6:00 PM - 8:30 PM




> Sambodhi | SALA 2
Angelian Luca. Facilitator 9D Breathwork


Angelian Luca. Facilitator 9D Breathwork

Mă numesc Luca și sunt facilitator certificat de 9D Breathwork. Călătoria mea pe drumul autocunoașterii a început acum 8 ani, explorând tehnici diverse de meditație, respirație și terapie, care m-au ajutat să descopăr noi dimensiuni ale conștiinței și ale echilibrului interior. Acum 3 ani și jumătate, m-am mutat în Bali, un loc recunoscut pentru energia sa transformatoare, unde am continuat să aprofundez această cale. În septembrie 2024, am descoperit practica 9D Breathwork, fondată chiar aici, în Bali, o tehnică care mi-a transformat complet perspectiva asupra vindecării și conștientizării. După ce am devenit facilitator certificat, am început să predau 9D Breathwork în studiouri de healing și yoga din Bali, ajutând oamenii să își elibereze emoțiile reprimate, să își depășească blocajele și să se reconecteze cu esența lor interioară. Te invit să explorezi această experiență profundă alături de mine și să descoperi puterea transformatoare a respirației multidimensionale.

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Ultimele Recenzii

Ioana-Roxana BobIoana-Roxana Bob
13:56 08 Feb 25
Thankful for the owner to have created such a place, where people can come and take care of themselves in whatever way fits them. And where people that have a calling to teach or accompany people in their growth journey, can do so.
Alice-Georgiana AbabiAlice-Georgiana Ababi
12:59 09 Apr 24
I found this place by sheer luck (& google) and it’s wonderful. They have a variety of classes, warm atmosphere and great instructors. Definitely recommend!
06:51 02 Apr 24
It’s all very welcoming, like coming home. The stuff is attentive, the space is breathable. I come there to connect on a deeper level with other beautiful souls 🤍
Roxana FeierRoxana Feier
04:09 02 Apr 24
Lots of different classes, like-minded people, many studio rooms, central. I like going there, there’s always something interesting to attend.
I highly recommend.Best Yoga studio in Bucharest. And i love this Studio. It's affordable, and for the reasonable price, You can find really great classes from truly great teachers. I've been practicing yoga at Sambodhi for more than 2 years now. I met so many great Teachers,peoples with very kind heart.Also i met my first yoga teacher Elena in Romania. Every sunday i go her class at Sambodhi. So for me Sambodhi is like a Home.I Would highly recommend Sambodhi to All Yogis.
Laura Alexandra NitaLaura Alexandra Nita
12:56 21 Mar 24
Lovely yoga studio, plently of classes where to choose from, available every day, nice events and retreats. I would definitely recommend it to my friends.
Gabriela IGabriela I
09:40 17 Mar 24
I attended a few classes and workshops until I became a regular at Rox Barbulescu's class, that I highly enjoy. From the beginning, I appreciated the atmosphere in the studio, all classrooms are nicely decorated, and everyone is nice and welcoming. I recommend this incubator to everyone, specifically mentioning the wide variety of classes, from yoga, pilates, to meditation, qigong and so on. Really lovely place!
Andreea JugaruAndreea Jugaru
10:51 09 Mar 24
Extremely grateful I've found a place like Sambodhi, cause it's more than a place which has all sort of classes, practices, workshops etc. It became a part of my personal healing and growing journey, it's where I've met wonderful human beings that otherwise I most likely wouldn't have met. I've found here support and empathy and an overload of kindness and acceptance. Regardless of which class/practice I'm going to I always feel better, happier, more relaxed, more aligned and without exception I always leave Sambodhi with a smile on my face and thankful I've made it yet to another class. So give yourself this gift that Sambodhi has to give cause it can take sooo many beautiful forms! In a world that tends to be grey, Sambodhi is a 🌈. Namaste 🙏❤️
Maria ConstantinescuMaria Constantinescu
19:19 05 Mar 24
A superlative experience,a reaI yoga practice that helped me more than anything with my health problems,there is a practice for each style of personality,some slower and some faster.Very thankful to the owner and to all the team!
Oana MOana M
19:42 29 Feb 24
My very happy place where I can meet myself. This is not a studio it is a place for the soul. There is attention to every detail, in beautiful house of golden age Bucharest.
Cristiana BucureciCristiana Bucureci
14:06 28 Feb 24
I started at Sambodhi with the yoga sessions and I liked the energy of the place and the people so much that I became a collaborator and now I teach collage workshops. It is my favorite place to relax, find myself and escape from the daily stress of Bucharest.They have a variety of self-connecting workshops through yoga, dance, meditation, creativity, it's impossible not to find something that resonates with you.The teachers are very well trained and attentive to the needs of the students, the environment is friendly, set up in such a way that you can detach and connect with yourself. And the prices seemed very good to me.I recommend the studio with all confidence!!!! 🙏❤️
Mariana GrigorescuMariana Grigorescu
13:05 28 Feb 24
Amazing experience about calm, finding peace and working the body !Always will find a warm welcome with smile and open heart , great teachers ( my favourite Cristina )and for this I am grateful!Thank you !🙏
Angella VecchioneAngella Vecchione
20:16 17 Jan 24
We loooooved the studio and the class! Everyone was super friendly and kind. They have several different classes at different times of the day. We did Back Pain focused Yoga for 11 EUR and it was incredible. We loved the teacher and loved that she did it both in Romanian and English so that we could understand the class. 100% recommended.
I love this place. The owner is very friendly and went out of his way to show us around and make us feel welcomed. I recommend it to anyone looking to get out of the quotidian and enjoy some peace and relaxation.
Cristina MartinescuCristina Martinescu
08:08 06 Mar 23
I went to Sambodhi every week in the past month, to yoga classes, guided meditation, reflexology, workshops on manifestation, feminity and family constellations and I can say that the place has a magic of its own. The energy created around there is nothing but pure bliss and enlightenment.The people coming there and the facilitators are kind, open and willing to provide help or support to all the other participants.The facilitators are mostly freelancers so the bookings are made with each of them in particular, also the payment, directly to the facilitator.The studio easily reachable by public transport, being at 13 min walk from University metro station.There is also a small room where you can change, but the belongings must be taken with you in the class as there are no lockers.I truly recommend this place for everyone looking for peace and to learn new technics for emotional self management.Hope to see you there :)
Roxandra ChivuRoxandra Chivu
18:00 28 Jan 23
Un loc magic ✨ inspirat din natură în centrul orașului. O comunitate de oameni minunați care pun multă pasiune și iubire în ceea ce fac. Clase de Yoga adaptate pentru orice nivel și disponibilitate, pentru cei matinali sunt clase de dimineață iar cei cu ziua mai plină se pot relaxa seara după agitația de peste zi. Workshop-uri și ritualuri, meditație samanică, constelații, locul in care indiferent cine ești, poți doar sa fii, sigur îți vei găsi tribul și o activitate cu care vei rezona și îți va umple sufletul. O lume mai mica in lumea asta mare și agitată, plină de iubire și armonie creată de un om minunat. Întoarce-te la tine, la natura ta, onoreaza-ți mintea, trupul și sufletul.Namaste ✨
Cristina PCristina P
13:52 24 Jan 23
Super peaceful lovely place to work out relax. All the instructors I’ve been to are great, they adapt flows and classes to the level of the participants. Great experience every time!
09:48 24 Jan 23
Beautiful studio, with great instructors and sense of community. Each instructor brings something unique to their teaching style. There’s a variety of classes to choose from and yoga mats/equipment available if you don’t have your own. It is a kind and warm space and I couldn’t recommend this studio enough!
caterina demiancaterina demian
14:51 22 Dec 22
Was looking for that place where you can combine mindfulness, mediation and yoga practices in one place. And the studio offered it all! Everyone here, be that staff, guest or teacher, feels like a close, warm friend ☺️ I recommend Sambodhi to all levels of yoga practitioners 💜
Nataliya ChekunovaNataliya Chekunova
19:15 14 Dec 22
Great place, I recommend! The studio is a comfortable, energetically pleasant space in the heart of Bucharest. Most of the instructors are English speaking. But, on the other hand, doing yoga and further shavasana in an unfamiliar language forms new neural connections in you;) I wish you wonderful classes in Sambodhi!
Eugénie FournetEugénie Fournet
11:48 13 Dec 22
Sambodhi Studio is amazing! The rooms are really nicely arranged. You really feel at peace there. Also, there is a great diversity of courses (either more meditation to really energetic yoga). I can only recommend this place :))
Diana MiDiana Mi
19:47 15 Nov 22
Am mers de la mai multe ori, la diferite clase la Sambodhi si impreuna cu mine am mai convins 3 persoane sa vina. Cu totii am fost foarte incantati de fiecare data.Ma ajuta mult atat din pdv fizic, cu durerile de spate, cat si din pdv psihic, linistindu-ma si ajutandu-ma sa ma relaxez. Imi place programul lor si faptul ca pot sa platesc de fiecare data strict pentru clasa la care merg. Clasele sunt foarte variate.
Raluca MarinescuRaluca Marinescu
14:34 19 Sep 22
Locatia este super frumoasa, luminoasa, spatioasa, este echipata cu tot ce ai nevoie pentru a desfasura un workshop de succes! Am fost foarte placut impresionata de ospitalitatea, proptitudinea si energia minunata a gazdei, Marius este un om deosebit care te asista cu multa bucurie in orice ai nevoie.Recomand cu mare caldura oricui cauta un spatiu pentru desfasurarea unui atelier.Iar ca participant, ai de unde alege, exista o multitudine de ateliere, sustinute de oameni minunati care aduc atat de multa bucurie in inimile participantilor.Mereu revin cu placere!
Andreea BoteaAndreea Botea
07:17 29 Jun 22
Since I discovered the place, I came every week for a very authentic yoga practice. People in the studio are nice and friendly and have a good range of yoga classes. Although I stick to Cristina`s class because for me was the best combination of yoga movements and meditation.
Amalia StamateAmalia Stamate
17:41 01 Jun 22
Cautam un studio unde sa pot tine clase de yoga si am venit sa vad Studioul Sambodhi. Mi-a placut felul in care este amenajat studioul, faptul ca este localizat in centru, intr-o zona in care gasesti locuri de parcare daca vii cu masina, dar poti ajunge usor si cu alte mijloace de transport. De asemenea, m-a impresionat curatenia studioului, acest lucru fiind remarcat si de participantii la clase :) Atmosfera este una foarte prietenoasa, Marius are grija ca toti cei care trec pragul studioului sa fie intampinati cu caldura si sa se simta bineveniti.
Alexa ZarescuAlexa Zarescu
16:02 05 Mar 22
An amazing place for self discovery and much more. The space is superb, the host so nice and all the people finding their way to here are so nice.Is not only yourself that you find in here, but also great people.The light, the smell and the sounds, all cozy.Highly recommend.
Ioana GeorgescuIoana Georgescu
17:10 02 Nov 21
Daca stai sau treci prin Bucuresti, iti recomand sa ajungi la acest studio aparte unde vei gasi oameni frumosi si calzi, gata sa te ghideze intr-o practica de yoga blanda sau sa iti ofere un masaj de neuitat :) Ofera-ti o experienta altfel si vino sa cunosti studioul. Poate te va fermeca inca de la intrare, asa cum m-a fermecat si pe mine :)