- 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
- 11 Nov 2023
- Expired!

Womb Healing Workshop
🌟🌙Explore the deep, silent world of your womb and connect with your inner resources!
🌸 Your womb is not just a physical part of you, but a deep spiritual space beyond which lies your unconscious. It is a world of silence, our origin, a place of peace where the soul rests. When we spend time with our womb, we tune in and create an inner communication through which we see and experience the space of the womb.
🌳According to the traditions of the ancients, every sexual body interaction, leaves behind an energetic mark on our feminine energy. As we let go of old relationships, we feel an immediate change in our bodies and souls.
⚡If you feel life has paused, meaningful relationships are missing, and your energy feels low, it might be the perfect time to embrace a new beginning!
📅 Date: 11 November 2023.
🕒 Hours: 3 hours, from 6 pm till 9 pm
👥Nr of people: 10
📍 Location: Sambodhi Studio, Str. Popa Rusu 16A, et2, Sector 2, Bucharest
💰 Fee: 100 EUR
🌐 Romanian Translator available🇷🇴
🌺 Guided meditations and exercises during the workshop will help you develop a deeper connection with your womb. Join us for this special event and discover your inner resources!
I welcome all who are interested!
🔗 Registration and more information:
Essential Details:
• On the day, please eat light meals.
• Bring water with you and wear very comfortable clothes. Changing room is available.
• Kindly arrive a minimum of 10 minutes early.
Cancellation Policy:
For cancellations made by 12 October 2023, you’ll receive a full refund. Unfortunately, if you cancel after 13 October 2023 or miss the event, the participation fee cannot be refunded.
Embrace the journey of self-renewal.
🌟🌙Explorați lumea profundă și tăcută a pântecelui vostru și conectați-vă cu resursele voastre interioare!
🌸 Pântecele tău nu este doar o parte fizică a ta, ci un spațiu spiritual profund dincolo de care se află inconștientul tău. Este o lume a tăcerii, originea noastră, un loc de pace unde sufletul se odihnește. Atunci când petrecem timp cu pântecele nostru, ne acordăm și creăm o comunicare interioară prin care vedem și experimentăm spațiul pântecelui.
🌳Conform tradițiilor anticilor, fiecare interacțiune sexuală a corpului, lasă în urmă o amprentă energetică pentru energia noastră feminină. Pe măsură ce renunțăm la vechile relații, simțim o schimbare imediată în corpurile și sufletele noastre.
⚡Când simți că viața pare blocată, că conexiunile autentice lipsesc și că dinamismul tău s-a estompat, poate fi momentul potrivit pentru a saluta un nou orizont!
📅 Data: 11 noiembrie 2023.
🕒 Orele: 3 ore, de la 18:00 la 21:00
👥Nr. de persoane: 10
📍 Locație: Str: Sambodhi Studio, Str. Popa Rusu 16A, et2, Sector 2, Bucuresti
💰 Taxă: 100 EUR
🌐 Traducere în limba română🇷🇴
🌺 Meditațiile și exercițiile ghidate din timpul cursului vă vor ajuta să dezvoltați o conexiune profundă cu uterul dvs. Alăturați-vă noua pentru acest eveniment special și descoperiți comorile voastre interioare!
Vă aștept pe toți cei interesați!
🔗 Înscriere și mai multe informații:
Detalii esențiale:
• În ziua respectivă, vă rugăm să consumați mese ușoare.
• Aduceți apă cu voi și purtați haine foarte confortabile. Există o cameră de schimb disponibilă.
• Vă rugăm să ajungeți cu cel puțin 10 minute înainte.
Politica de anulare:
Pentru anulările efectuate până pe 12 octombrie 2023, veți primi o rambursare completă. Din păcate, dacă anulați după 13 octombrie 2023 sau ratați evenimentul, taxa de participare nu poate fi returnată.
Îmbrățișați călătoria auto-reînnoirii.

Edina Nemet. Holistic Facilitator
Website name is Edina Nemet, and I support those who come to me using holistic, body-oriented methods to find harmony within themselves. Although I started in the economic field due to my degree in economics, life led me on a different path. I realized that there's an alternative way of living, where I can be fully myself. On this journey, I discovered my feminine essence, my deeply hidden abilities, and my sensitivity, which brought acceptance, peace, and love to my everyday life. Throughout my life, I faced many challenges and low points, but looking back, everything happened at the right time. My journey continues, but today I experience it much more fully. In 2012, I began my spiritual studies at the Metaphysical and Spiritual Science Academy in Budapest and since 2015, I've been representing the institution as a main teacher. Due to the Academy's international presence, I've visited many cultures including Costa Rica several times, where I learned female healing rituals. These rituals allowed me to embark on a profound transformative journey that fundamentally changed my relationship with myself and my femininity. These changes made me more open and sensitive to both the physical and spiritual worlds, teaching me to be consciously attentive to my surroundings and myself. If you feel a disconnect with your femininity or wish to harmonize your menstrual cycle, come and join me for my womb healing session.
- 11 Nov 2023
- Expired!
- 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Edina Nemet. Holistic Facilitator
Website name is Edina Nemet, and I support those who come to me using holistic, body-oriented methods to find harmony within themselves. Although I started in the economic field due to my degree in economics, life led me on a different path. I realized that there's an alternative way of living, where I can be fully myself. On this journey, I discovered my feminine essence, my deeply hidden abilities, and my sensitivity, which brought acceptance, peace, and love to my everyday life. Throughout my life, I faced many challenges and low points, but looking back, everything happened at the right time. My journey continues, but today I experience it much more fully. In 2012, I began my spiritual studies at the Metaphysical and Spiritual Science Academy in Budapest and since 2015, I've been representing the institution as a main teacher. Due to the Academy's international presence, I've visited many cultures including Costa Rica several times, where I learned female healing rituals. These rituals allowed me to embark on a profound transformative journey that fundamentally changed my relationship with myself and my femininity. These changes made me more open and sensitive to both the physical and spiritual worlds, teaching me to be consciously attentive to my surroundings and myself. If you feel a disconnect with your femininity or wish to harmonize your menstrual cycle, come and join me for my womb healing session.