- All Day
- 19 - 29 Mar 2024
- Expired!

Mayan Riviera Equinox Retreat
Welcome to the Spring Equinox Retreat!
Discover the magic of the Mayan Riviera and it’s cultural heritage
Embrace the ancient traditions of the Spring Equinox
Experience rejuvenation, adventure, connection and pleasure
What to Expect?
Mayan Culture
Go on guided tours of ancient Mayan archeological sites (Coba, Muyil & Tulum)
Take part in traditional Cacao & Temazcal ceremonies, led by locals
Learn about the ancient Mayan beliefs surrounding equinoxes while visiting a local Mayan community
Connect with the energy of renewal and growth
Nature Scapes
Enjoy the stunning lagoons and cenotes Mayan Riviera is famous for
Lay on the unforgettable Caribbean beaches
Swim & snorkel in crystal blue waters
Float down the lazy river canal of the Muyil lagoon
Holistic Activities
Primal Movement
Breath & Meditation
Sound Healing journeys
Spend one day in the most beautiful holistic center in Tulum
Art Highlights
Dance the night away at the Full Moon celebration on the beach
Discover Uh May Azulik, an eco-friendly & artistic retreat nestled in the heart of the Mayan jungle
Immerse yourself in the captivating blend of contemporary art & Mayan heritage at the Mystika Museum Tulum
Explore the creative wonders of the Jungle Artwork at Holistika Center in Tulum
Introducing Villa Nayanara, an exquisitely designed heaven nestled in the heart of the Caribbean jungle. Less than 10 minutes from Tulum center and the beach, this exclusive getaway is perfect for our small group of 12 people, as it’s an oasis of relaxation and comfort, with beautiful outdoor & indoor spaces.
Miluna Stefan – Host & Yoga
Tudor Ivan – Host & Sound
Balam – Local Guide & Ceremonies
2 more spots available, offered at 1.800EUR/person.
10 nights accommodation in a private exclusive villa in Tulum
transportation to everything mentioned in the itinerary
10 breakfasts + 4 dinners + 3 lunches and snacks during tours
entrance fees to all sites included in the itinerary
activities & ceremonies mentioned in the itinerary
airport transfers
Not included:
plane tickets (± $800 at the moment)
entrance fee to the Full Moon party & Holistika (optional)
souvenirs & other personal shopping (optional)
other meals (± $20/meal)
If you are interested in joining our retreat, get in touch and we will send you more information regarding the itinerary. We are also offering an integration weekend, post-retreat, at the beautiful Lagoon of the 7 Colors in Bacalar.

Miluna Stefan. Instructor Yoga
https://sambodhi.ro/organizer/?fesection=organizer&feparam=170Buna, sunt Miluna si ma bucur ca simti chemarea pentru a practica Yoga. Yoga este practica mea primara, cu care am rezonat profund de la prima sesiune acum 8 ani si care mi-a devenit filosofie de viata in timp. M-am explorat prin Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin si Restorative Yoga pana in punctul in care s-a conturat in interiorul meu Chill Yoga. O practica ghidata de rabdare, aducerea atentiei in corp, canalizarea puterii interioare si calibrarea & continerea energiei. Te invit sa ne intalnim in acest spatiu safe, in care calatorim prin asane, respiratie si meditatie spre relaxarea corpului si eliberarea mintii.
- 19 - 29 Mar 2024
- Expired!
- All Day

Miluna Stefan. Instructor Yoga
https://sambodhi.ro/organizer/?fesection=organizer&feparam=170Buna, sunt Miluna si ma bucur ca simti chemarea pentru a practica Yoga. Yoga este practica mea primara, cu care am rezonat profund de la prima sesiune acum 8 ani si care mi-a devenit filosofie de viata in timp. M-am explorat prin Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin si Restorative Yoga pana in punctul in care s-a conturat in interiorul meu Chill Yoga. O practica ghidata de rabdare, aducerea atentiei in corp, canalizarea puterii interioare si calibrarea & continerea energiei. Te invit sa ne intalnim in acest spatiu safe, in care calatorim prin asane, respiratie si meditatie spre relaxarea corpului si eliberarea mintii.
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